Kiwi Cucumber Avo Smoothie
Basic-but-versatile 50-cal vegan smoothie: a solid starting base for multiple recipes. Nutritious, quick and easy to prepare.
Basic-but-versatile 50-cal vegan smoothie: a solid starting base for multiple recipes. Nutritious, quick and easy to prepare.
Rich fat-burning cocoa with almost no carbs performs steaming hot, chilled over ice, as ice cream or pops.
Soothe your stomach, calm inflammation and burn stored fat using fat-burning coffee and ginger.
Instantly add healthy fats (and a caffeine kick) with a crunchy-creamy frozen bulletproof coffee recipe.
Iced or piping hot, this fat-burning latte doubles as a liquid fat bomb and works as a fat fast drink.
Regulate blood sugar and burn stored fat without adding carbs. Make your green tea bulletproof, hot or cold.
Seasonal keto drinks, mixers and adult popsicle recipes. Flavor-infused vodka, the 6 essential low carb spirits for a fully stocked bar.